Be in the "Filipi-Know" | Meet Founder of Up and coming Filipino Golf Brand, PARE Golf
I’ve played golf my entire life, from childhood local tournaments to competing at the collegiate level and I always felt like I stood out and that streetwear fashion didn’t have a place in the golf community. Fast forward 20 years when all my friends are into golf, lo and behold, Nike has air max golf shoes, Undefeated has been collabing to make clubhead covers, and Topgolf is considered to be for cool kids. Has the time of street wear finally made its mark on the golf fashion community? PARÉ, a Filipino golf clothing line, thinks so and would is ready to drastically shake up the previous norms of what “golf fashion” should look like. After selling out of their famous camper hats and trendy Tiger Woods inspired polo shirts, it’s time for you to be in the “Filipiknow”, here’s all you need to know about the golf fashion sensation, PARÉ as we sit down with their founder, Matt Sakdalan.
1. Hey Matt, being a lifelong golfer myself, I came across your famous five panel cap not too long ago and was immediately blown away by how much I loved everything about it. From the streetwear appeal, paired with golf fashion, and proudly tying in Filipino culture with, PARÉ ,on the front, it was everything I resonated with, in a single hat. What was that initial idea / launching pad to start PARÉ?
I’ve wanted to do my own thing for years, but I never had “the time”. I still have notes and screenshots from way back on what this concept would be, the product line, etc. I just never took a chance on myself because I was so focused on my building up my career in the ad agency world. Around May 2023 is when I decided to take that leap and start executing ideas to paper. I always wanted to create my own 5-panel camp cap because of my obsession with Supreme. Given it’s not the typical style of hat for golf, I knew I wanted to break that mold make it my first product to launch with.
2. Fashion is wearable art and your garments definitely have a niche aesthetic that make it stand out from your everyday country club outfit. Can you talk about your most recent drop, the Paré "94 AM Sensation" Mockneck. What inspired this to be the next big piece in the PARÉ clothing line?
Similar to the 5-panel camp cap, I also knew my first cut+sew project had to pay homage to Tiger Woods. I loved MJ just like anyone else, but Tiger was my guy. His entire outfit when he won the 1994 US Amateur is simply iconic. That pink and white stripe polo was everything to me. I even have a PSA graded trading card of that historical win, which is where the “94 AM Sensation” name came from. I wanted to reimagine it with a mockneck version to give it a bit more of a modern look, but keeping the same elements of an oversized/cropped fit. I experimented a lot with different samples I bought in Japan and wanted to nail the perfect fit especially around the neckline area. Most mocknecks make you feel like it’s choking you, so I wanted to ensure it’d be a bit looser and sit lower than standard. I’m getting too technical now, but I wanted people to appreciate the details of this and give it something that could be worn on and off the course.
3. Going into fashion is not the typical occupation that Filipino parents want for their kids due to how risky it may be. What was one of the biggest obstacles you faced along the way and how did you overcome it?
It’s interesting you mention that because the typical response would usually be “hell no, you’re doing xyz”. But my parents were so supportive of the move. PARÉ is still my side gig/project/hustle whatever you want to call it. It’s my creative outlet where I have all the freedom to do whatever I want. The experimentation of it is what keeps me going. Luckily my parents and family support that side of me 100%. Couldn’t be any more grateful for that. I will say in terms of obstacles, it’s really the financial aspect of it and also learning the trade of manufacturing. It’s still a learning curve but I am enjoying the process of it. It’s been so much fun honestly.
4. Piggy backing off how you’ve overcame learning a new skillset in manufacturing, with what you now know, is there anything you would’ve done differently?
Only thing I would’ve done differently is start sooner. I’m a big believer that God’s timing is always perfect and it will never be on my accord, so trusting that process throughout the years has been both a challenge and a humbling experience. It couldn’t have been a perfect time to start now. Yes there’s a lot of if’s and maybe’s, but I’m glad the timing was now. I think where golf is in terms of sport, fashion, and overall engagement, it’s literally perfect that PARÉ is present now.
5. What is the ultimate goal for PARÉ and where do you see the company in 5 years?
Great question. Full transparency … I have no clue. As a professional marketer, you’d think I’d have business goals, a plan, strategic pillars, planning for upcoming seasons, etc. I’m doing the complete opposite right now and I’m totally fine with not having a typical roadmap. There’s beauty in that where I’m not bound to certain constraints or a fashion calendar. Of course eventually I’d love to get to that place, but right now I love the fluidity and flexibility I have to do whatever I want with the brand. As long as I’m doing it tastefully and it strategically maps back to the mission and core identity of PARÉ, then that’s all that matters to me at the moment. But to give you the “ideal” answer, I hope in 5 years or less I’m able to get the brand globally recognized and see myself getting involved at some form of the professional level of the PGA and/or any other tours.
6. If you had to define what drives you, what do you think the purpose is behind your hustle? Any advice for those that want to pursue their purpose or passion?
My purpose in life in general is to serve. Thats my calling in everything that I do. PARÉ is my way of giving back to the community, my family and friends, and celebrating the joy golf gives me and many others. Especially the Filipino community. My advice that I should’ve taken seriously for myself years ago is to do it. Absolutely go for it. Take that risk. Even if it fails. You already beat most of the odds by taking action.
7. Can you tease any upcoming projects that our readers should keep an eye out for?
Definitely more hat options because you can never have enough. More mockneck colorways are on the way as well that won’t be limited in stock. I’m also working to do a line specifically paying homage to MJ’s crazy golf outfits. That should be a fun one.
8. What was one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned so far ever since starting PARÉ?
Never stop having fun and constantly learn every single day! The minute I lose that is the day I will give this all up. If I let distractions in, get in my head about what others are going to think, or do it for the money and take over my creative process, I lost the mission.
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