We want to support you by introducing you to Filipino-American fitness experts who can help you achieve your health and wellness goals, whether that’s online or in person. That’s right, there are no excuses!
In the picturesque waters off Palawan Island in the Philippines, a local fisherman made an astonishing discovery that remained a secret for over a decade. This is the story of the Pearl of Puerto, valued at over a 100 million dollars.
Xroads Philippine Sea Salts is the official distributor of the asin tibuok aka the “dinosaur egg”, which is one of those products that have existed for generations, but is now getting the limelight that it deserves.
As a Filipino American, seeing the word “Lolo” make headlines for all the wrong reasons felt… surreal. For us, “Lolo” is more than just a word—it’s a warm, affectionate term for our grandfathers, the wise and loving pillars of our families. So when a California vanity plate reading “LOLOCT7” was accused of being anti-Semitic and mocking a global tragedy, I was equal parts shocked and confused.
They say the way to a human’s heart is through the stomach. According to Chef Nouel, that is false! He believes the way to a human’s heart is by tugging on one’s heritage to draw connection and nostalgia
“Kollective Hustle connected me to amazing like-minded individuals as well as provided me with the tools to hone my craft and turn my passion into a career.“
Brands thrive off of the idea that you as a consumer will see them as a human being, a friendly face, and a person you can trust. The truth is, maybe a brand is like a friend; a friend who only comes around when you’re fully employed with disposable income to ask you for some cold hard cash.
For the past couple decades, young Asian Americans have built a culture within their communities and a sense of belonging through hip hop dance. Today, dance has slowly started to become something of a common hobby just like beloved sports: basketball and football. Many of these teams formed through a school campus and the school year would normally act as the dance season amongst these social groups and communities. But how did this all come to fruition?
This month, Kollective Hustle’s theme is leadership. So, we talked to Filipinx leaders from different industries to gain insight on what it takes to be a great leader.
Growing up with immigrant parents can be one of the most interesting yet odd experiences. From my own life, my parents would weave in Tagalog with their English anytime there wasn’t an English word that translated well. The perfect, yet somewhat strange example, is the tabo. I’ve never had so much difficulty explaining something from the Philippines more than the tabo.

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Falling fruit might sound harmless… until a coconut lands on your head. We’re ranking the most dangerous fruits in the PH that could turn your walk in the islands into a trip to the ER.
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